Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 99, reflection, eats

I looked back at some of my old posts today. It's always good to reflect on things, and how easy the internet makes that.

I'm no champion poster (nor do I claim to be) but I feel as if I've certainly traveled some distance since I first began this blog a mere 99 days ago. July, it appears, was my month of gastronomic/olfactory existentialism. I'm not sure what to make of it, besides chuckling to myself about how powerful that nectarine was.

I may have changed in how I interact with technology, but oddly enough, the one thing that's remained stable in my life during this transitory time is my diet. Quite a comforting notion. Reinforcing this observation, this morning I had oatmeal, for lunch a turkey sandwich and another pork chop for dinner with leftover cucumber sauce. And for dessert, what else but apple mash. I wake to eat and take my eating slow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice to meet you.
    Are you really Justice David Souter?

  3. Nice to meet you, too. Yes, I am really Justice David Souter. Who else would I be?

  4. Um... another David souter. Now, I know who you are. Yesterday, I bought prunes(it was the first prune in my life), yogurt and moleskine diary 2009 July - 2010 December. I like the prune! Also I like some people, Herma Hesse, Gabriel Marquez, Raffaello Sazio, Kathe Kollwitz, Claude Monet, and David Souter.
    The common of them is ..., I never met them.
    My second question to you is that,
    How are you?

  5. I'm wonderful. Thank you for reading.
