Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February doldrums, Pt II

I suppose you've heard I'm giving the commencement address at my alma mater this year. A trip to Cambridge is what the doctor ordered (perhaps not the allergist, but I can cope). I'm not much of an orator. It should be interesting.

I'm trying to keep the culinary mood light amid the snow and gray. I went bird watching today, and despite wearing three pair of socks, I nearly froze. I'm getting old.

What was there to do after that trek but eat lemon bars. Gert made some for the church potluck Sunday and I of course pocked one or five. I ate those for an afternoon snack with a mug of well-steeped Earl Grey. Just the thing.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February doldrums

A young friend the other day pointed me to this mishmash of information about me on the liberal blog site Huffington Post. It came out shortly before my retirement. I enjoyed it, I have to say. But felt a pang of sorrow when I saw slide 5 of the photo show, in which I'm wearing my favorite tie that I have since lost.

Enough of that. Is it just me, or has this winter has been particularly harsh? Bitterest one in recent memory. Can hardly keep the fire stoked. I've been a glutton with the electric blanket.

I've also been eating a lot of tomato soup. And grilled cheese, of course. Plain Campbell's is good for me. You just add a sprig of dill. And then for the grilled cheese, a healthy slab of cheddar on buttered country bread. No substitutions. I'm no cheese snob. Frankly, I don't get cheese. And I never want to.