Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 17, snack

One of my clerks was munching on a bag of prunes the other day and I remembered how much I liked them (the prunes, that is).

An old companion of mine used to make tea-soaked prunes habitually. They're not the most glamourous snack — let's all do each other a favor and spare ourselves discussion of the spinster connotations a fragrant, bloated prune evokes — but I find them quite delicious, as well as simple to prepare.

I like to soak my prunes in black tea. A weak mix is good, two cups or so depending on how many you want to eat. I just drop some prunes into a jar of brewed tea, close it up and let nature take its course in the refrigerator for a few hours (overnight is best).

The prunes should plump up considerably and become heavy with tea. Be forewarned: the texture and composition of a tea-soaked prune is a bit off-putting. I like to eat the prunes plain, but my companion always had them in the morning over yogurt, garnished with a sprig of mint.


  1. David, come back. The daily rhythm of my life has been thrown off without hearing about what sprigs your companions garnish with.

  2. I detect some homosexual undertones. Someone should write a book about latent homosexuality in the judicial system.

  3. Thank you for a wonderful blog. I've only just found it and it's quite refreshing. You've got me thinking about tuna salad - and I haven't even had breakfast yet! Perhaps I'll start with some cold cereal and prunes...
